The Peace, Love, &


Unity Rally & Concert

A powerful event dedicated to addressing the urgent need for reparations and justice for the Black community. The Peace, Love & Reparations Unity Rally provides an opportunity for community members, activists, and sponsors to come together and learn about the critical issues facing the Black community. Through engaging discussions, inspiring performances, and powerful keynote speeches, we will explore the conditions of the Black community and work towards a solution to address them through the acquisition of reparations.

We Are Determined to Win

What We're Working Towards.

The Peace, Love & Reparations Unity Rally has the following objectives.

  • Raise awareness of the urgent need for reparations and justice for the Black community.
  • Call for action in securing a Presidential Executive Order for an HR 40 Reparations Commission.
  • Build a stronger and more cohesive reparations movement.
  • Spark conversations and dialogue around reparations and related issues.
  • Generate financial support to fund community-led reparations initiatives.

Confirmed Performing Artists
& More to Come

Eric Bennet

sounds of blackness

Sounds of Blackness​

The Game

Invited Speakers & More The 3 First Ladies of Reparations

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee

Robin Rei

Robin Rue Simmons

CA Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber

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