2014-2021 – Kamm Howard
This Brief catalog of kazi (work) performed on behalf of African de- scendants in the US, signifies an intense selfless commitment to
righting the wrongs done to Africans and their descendants by Euro- pean/American royals, governments, corporations, institutions and individuals These wrongs have been defined as humanicide by Hunter Adams, “the process of killing of a people/person’s identity, culture, history, language, religion, socialization, and family relations
…[it] is not equivalent to racism, discrimination, or Apartheid – it en- compasses and eclipses them.” Under international law they are re- ferred to as crimes against humanity.
The Kazi is divided into 5 categories and will primarily focus on what was accomplished on behalf of the National Coalition of Blacks for
Reparations in America, N’COBRA. Although work began in 2005,
here I am only highlighting the last 7 years .